Our Story

how we met

We met in February of 2013 at a city-wide revival meeting in our hometown. Although we both grew up believing in God, we weren’t living for Him. During this revival we both accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior and our lives were forever changed. In this amazing time we learned what it is to have a real relationship with God, we learned that our identities are rooted and founded in Jesus, and we learned what it means to be lead by the Holy Spirit daily. We went on our first date on March 8, 2013 to a Friday night praise gathering, and from that day forward we were fully committed to one another. Two and a half years later, after many ups and downs, many trials and hard circumstances, we continued to pursue Jesus together and decided to get married on November 14, 2015. We spent the summer after our wedding in Mozambique at the Harvest School of Missions with Iris Global. Then, 6 months after that we left to serve as long-term missionaries in Cambodia.

the birth of beloved ministries global

While we were in Nepal in July 2015, the Lord gave Jillian a dream of a 24 hour prayer room. It was in a storefront space with big windows in the front, and the sign said beLoved Prayer Room. It represented a safe place for people to come to be loved on and to be love to others. A place to pray for individuals, cities, and nations! Although we could have taken the dream literally and started a prayer room, we felt this was meant to be bigger than that. We felt the Lord’s leading to start a ministry called BeLoved Ministries Global, with the vision statement; Our calling is to “BE love” to others, “be LOVED” by God, & know that we are the “BELOVED” of Jesus Christ! Our dream is that this ministry is a safe place for people, as well as a place for the Body of Christ to unite in prayer. In September 2016 part of that dream became a reality when BeLoved Ministries Global officially became a not for profit organization with 501c3 status. The dream is not complete yet, and God continues to add to it all the time. Right now this dream looks like serving as missionaries with Iris Cambodia working with children and families who are at risk of being trafficked.

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